Have you ever encountered the following while browsing on your social media account – “Buy Now, Get Started, Learn More, Sign Up, Subscribe?” These are called Call-to-Actions or CTAs. A digital marketing speaker Hong Kong highlights that they are the secret weapons of inbound marketers. They increase email clicks by 371%. They also increase Facebook click-through rates by 285%.

According to a social media agency Hong Kong, CTAs act as web page signposts letting the users know what to do next. They help remove the friction to move down in the sales funnel. Brands and businesses can use CTA as an ending statement to a blog post, a line in an email, or a website button. Even a video marketing agency Hong Kong uses CTA to close a deal after a video. Below, let’s take a look at the best practices in using CTAs for marketing!


A Call-to-Action (CTA) refers to the next step of action that marketers want consumers to take. They are direct commands or requests linked to sales. Among the most common CTAs are the following:

  • Add to Cart
  • Buy Now
  • Click Here
  • Download Now
  • Find Out
  • Get Offer
  • Limited Time offer
  • See More
  • Sign Up
  • Swipe Up

There’s a lot more CTA that brands and businesses use. If you will notice, they are either 2 to 3 words statement. In social media, a CTA is a prime opportunity for A/B testing. This is because the way you present a CTA and its wordings matter among social media users. For example, some people may shy away from a “Free Trial,” but they can react differently to “Give It a Try.”


The best thing in digital marketing is to have the power to influence others. Brands and businesses have been adopting different strategies to boost brand awareness, revenue, and website traffic. The best and simplest way to do it is by using a call-to-action or CTA. But how? Here are some best practices in using CTA for marketing!

Apply Reverse Psychology

Use the power of reverse psychology to push users to convert into the actions you want them to take. You can do this by popping up two CTAs for the viewers to choose from. For example, if you want to get more subscribers to a blog, you can use the following pair of CTAs: “Continue Receiving Great Info” or “Miss Updates.” The key is to craft a CTA that is more than the yes or no choices.

Create a Sense of Urgency in Your CTA

People typically act quickly when they feel a sense of urgency. One best practice in using CTA for marketing is emulating the same feeling to your audiences. Brands and businesses can create a sense of urgency on CTAs by using time-related languages such as “for a limited time,” “now,” “sales end tomorrow,” or “today.” Better yet, adding a countdown timer as the offer expires can make your audience take advantage of the offer right away.

Keep a CTA Brief and Direct

The top best practice in using CTA for marketing is to keep them brief and direct – sweet and short. Most successful CTAs use a maximum of four words. They contain powerful verbs to inspire actions among the audiences. Some examples of these verbs are: “Buy,” “Get,” “Join,” etc.

Personalize CTAs

Do you know that personalizing CTAs can boost click-through rates by 200%? Simply putting a name on a CTA can make a person feel valued. AS such, they are most likely to click a CTA. Brands and businesses can personalize CTAs based on the available data of their clients and prospects. You can tailor-made CTAs according to personal information, location, status, etc.

Turn a CTA into a Clickable Button

Turning a CTA into a clickable button is another best practice in using CTA for marketing. Modern consumers find an online and website button tempting. It is because they expect action once they clicked it. Besides, instead of hyperlinked graphics or text, it will be easier to design CTA buttons.

Use Responsive Designs When Making CTAs

Ensure the proper placement of CTAs on different screen sizes and software. They should be easy to read even on small screens. An ideal CTA position is either on the middle column or the topmost part of a page. Make a CTA stand out by putting a lot of white spaces around and highlighting the CTA button with contrasting colors. The CTA text should be bigger than the surrounding text.

Reference: https://blog.red-website-design.co.uk/2022/02/04/call-to-action-best-practices/