Top 3 Social Media Automation Tools

More than half of the world’s population uses social media today. According to a digital marketing speaker Hong Kong, it may be very challenging to manage to connect and target these 4.33 billion people. As the numbers keep increasing, brands and businesses need to find ways on how to make things easier and faster. Modern …

How to Localize Facebook Marketing

The digital marketing landscape is more competitive than it ever was today. Ad spend continues to rise and consumers are bombarded with so many noises in the online world. A major key for brands and businesses to appeal to their target audiences is ad personalization. This can be done by filtering them through demographics like …

Optimizing Conversion Rate After the COVID Pandemic

Think of this! You have a website and you offer great products but people are not getting on board. What do you need to do? A digital marketing speaker Hong Kong suggests that you need to find ways to optimize your conversion rate, especially after the COVID pandemic where people shifted from buying physical stores …

Content Marketing on Facebook

It is true! Content is king. Content marketing is now a necessity for modern brands. It is also the number one key to success in social media marketing. Behind a great brand is a wealth of useful and valuable content. Content marketing is a creative way to tell a brand story. It helps influence conversions. …

Top 5 Content Marketing Trends in 2021

Each brand has a story. Every product and service has its own history. It is what makes them unique. It is also what makes the audiences love them. But how can a business tell the history and story of their brands, products, and services? The best way is through content marketing. Around 87% of businesses …

The Power of KOL Marketing

Word of mouth is the most powerful marketing technique in history. Happy customers tell their families and friends about their wonderful experiences with your business. This will certainly result in a rise in your sales. Today, brands can scale such a power to reach more potential customers, that is, through partnering with influencers and key …

Tips to Improve Your Content Writing for SEO

Nowadays, most people search for products and services online. They connect to brands and businesses via social media and messaging platforms. According to a social media agency Hong Kong, the number of monthly active users (MAU) in different social networks significantly increases. To date, Facebook has 2.85 billion MAU, Instagram has 1 billion MAU, LinkedIn …

Optimizing Your Search Engine

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving your site’s visibility on relevant searches. The more your pages rank on top of search results, the more likely you’ll get discovered. Such discoveries increase traffic on your website and give you more chances to convert your website visitors into buyers. The main goal of SEO …